Popcorn with Atlantic Kombu

Popcorn with Atlantic Kombu

Preparation Time: 5 mins | 4 servings


    • 50 g of corn kernels
    • 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast
    • 2 tablespoons Atlantic Kombu seaweed
    • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
    • 1 tablespoon rapeseed oil
    • 1 tablespoon sesame oil


Take a thick-bottomed pot. Turn on the stove and place the pot with the coconut and rapeseed oil on the stove. Add 3 seeds to the oil. Cover the pot and wait for the kernels to pop, which might take a few minutes. Once the kernels pop, add the remaining seeds and put the lid back on the pot. Shake the pot so that all the seeds fall to the bottom of the pot. After a few minutes, the rest of the kernels start to pop. Continue cooking until the popping sound slows to about one pop per every few seconds. Turn off the heat. Place the pot on a different surface to prevent the lower patches of corn from burning. Take a bowl and pour the popcorn into it. Add nutritional yeast, Kombu algae, and sesame oil. Mix everything together properly. Enjoy your fresh popcorn watching a movie with friends. Bon Appetit!

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